Urban and Community Forestry Grant – Planting, Preservation, and Invasives Control
A new Urban and Community Forestry grant program from the Florida Forest Service is now open! This program, entitled the Urban and Community Forestry – Plantings, Preservation, and Invasives Control (UCF-PPIC), focuses on invasive species control and reforestation, improved stormwater retention, and has brand new opportunities to incentivize tree preservation.
Interested applicants can view details on this grant program by viewing the request for applications.
The categories of projects to be funded by this grant program include:
Remove invasive trees and replace them with native trees in areas where they will provide direct benefit to Floridians through energy reduction, mitigating urban heat, water or air quality improvement, stormwater runoff avoidance, or increasing greenspace accessibility. Projects in this category must follow the tree-planting requirements listed later in this section.
Plant trees in disadvantaged communities, as identified by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.
Plant trees in riparian or coastal waterway areas to decrease erosion, improve stormwater runoff capture, and enhance the water quality of Florida’s waterways.
Provide a service that enhances tree preservation during construction by offering tree preservation advice to developers and homebuilders at no cost to the builder.
Conduct an analysis of areas within municipality boundaries to identify the most valuable locations for tree planting initiatives to capture the most stormwater runoff.
Eligible entities include municipalities, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and tribal entities. Grant awards will total to $750,000 and can range from a $5,000 to $75,000 each with no match required. Please ensure that you read the Request for Applications carefully to ensure compliance with all requirements of the program. This grant offering will close on November 17th of this year.